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Days Inspection Gothenburg

In July, in Gothenburg (Sweden), big city for 2 days for the inspection to DCL Football 2020. Our DCL Director Technical Football Rosario De Caro and DCL Coordinator Francesco Camillo’, went there.

The two DCL members visited a lot of stadiums and hotel that were wonderful. We worked very well with organising committee together and we agreed about the process for organization with Johnny Gustavsson (president of Organising Committee) and their members for the competition and program to DCL Football 2020.

We are currently working on the transport service as agreement with the responsibility of Hotel Scandic Backdal that has commitments for us throughout the clubs.

We are proud with OC (Organising Committee of Gothenburg ) and we have taken a positive agreement.

Will be other meeting in April 2020 to make the draw in Hotel Scandic Backdal, located in Gothenburg, with the invitation of swedish authorities and federations.