Football Men | News

Gothenburg event POSTOPONED


We want to tell you something very important. 

The 11th soccer event that was going to be held in May in Gothenburg (Sweden) is canceled and postponed for July, it remains to specify what days because we still do not know, this is because the coronavirus pandemic has spread worldwide as  We all know, out of respect for humanity and just like the population of listeners, they have also canceled their sporting events.

UEFA has made its postponement official, so we will do it too. I am sure that everyone will understand and understand this situation, just as DCL also understand the situation we are going through, we have a great responsibility towards humanity and we, as all the members that form  part of DCL we have been very concerned about the situation and health of people.

Dcl is still in contact with Gothenburg to ensure that everything is done well and we will be watching the authorities in Gothenburg as well as the Organizing Committee to see what days it can take place, as soon as we know something, we will inform you.

All of you stay at home so that we can control the virus, because that way, together, we will defeat the coronavirus.

See you soon.