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DCL Meeting in Aalen (Germany)

Last Updated: Friday, 02 November 2018

DCL Executive Committee had a meeting the past 27th October in Aalen (Germany) to discuss several issues in relation to European Deaf Football/Futsal and work towards the next DCL events that will be in 2019. Six members of the DCL Executive Committee stayed in Aalen, discussing various matters, e.g. competitions, structure, clubs, cooperation with EDSO, rules, financial accounts, budget, media, etc.

The main feature of the meeting was to approve the structure with new members and the proposals previously studied by the teams in the Annual General Meeting that was held last February in Alcala de Henares (Madrid), which were to be included in the rules and regulations for football and futsal. Those documents will be exposed soon in the DCL website and will be distributed to the EDSO Federation members for their information. Other issues that were discussed especially the DCL events:

  • DCL Futsal (02-06th January 2019) in Stuttgart (Germany).
  • DCL Football (14-20th April 2019) in London (England).

DCL also discussed the venue to DCL U-21 Futsal 2019 and Football 2020 that will be announced in the next months.

DCL have updated the roles of members in the structure of Committee Executive due to resignation of three members (Isabelle Malaurie, Andrew Rodda and Lefteris Minas):

  • President: Juan Carlos Basilio (Spain)
  • Secretary General: Javier Soto (Spain)
  • Treasurer: Michail Polemis (Greece)
  • Technical Director: Rosario De Caro (Italy)
  • Member: Thomas Krämer (Germany)
  • Member: Armin Dorfschmid (Germany)

Francesco Camillo´ from Italy will be the new coordinator to DCL events working together with the Technical Director Thomas Krämer.

Moreover, we have 3 new sections to improve the management and projects to future: Marketing with the collaboration of italian Francesco Camillo´ and spanish Irina Ribon, development (projects) with Armin Dorfschmid, Lefteris Minas and Memnos Costi, and one financier. In the technical area, there will some changes to give more opportunities to young members that will pick more experience in DCL events always with the support of technical directors.

With the media, we are working to get more visibility to DCL as new logo that will start in 2019, more information by website, agreements with organising committee to get better coordination and improve the organization with other media members to DCL events.

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